Can You Guess? The Animal With the Largest Horns Will Shock You!

large horned animal

In an unprecedented achievement, Poncho Via, a six-year-old Texas longhorn, has officially set the Guinness World Record for having the animal with the largest horns. Last month, Poncho’s horns were measured at an astonishing length of 10 feet, 7.4 inches from tip to tip, surpassing the width of a concert grand piano by more than double.

Poncho does not hail from Texas but from Goodwater, Alabama, where he was raised by the Pope family on their quaint farm. The story of Poncho’s arrival begins in 2013 when Jeral Pope Sr. was inspired to own a longhorn after encountering them on a road trip through the West. Fascinated by these majestic animals, he reached out to a local veterinarian who connected him with a rodeo supplier. This led to the acquisition of Poncho, then only six months old, who has since become known as the family’s “gentle giant.” The clever name “Poncho Via” pays homage to the famed Mexican revolutionary, Pancho Villa.

Poncho’s horns

The journey to the world record was a family affair, marked by a playful rivalry. Dennis Pope, Jeral’s son, also purchased a longhorn named Moo around the same time. Reflecting on the early days, Dennis shared with NPR,

“We would measure each others’ horns when they were young, and ours was always a little ahead of that one, until the horn shape on ours took a big turn up and Poncho’s kept going out straight and it kept growing and growing.”

The Pope family meticulously monitored the growth of Poncho’s horns, comparing his progress to previous record holders. Dennis noted:

“They were all 9 to 12 to 15-years-old when they were measured for the world record, and Poncho’s much younger than that. There’s no telling how much he’ll grow.”

Poncho’s record, the animal with the largest horns, is not only a testament to his unique genetic makeup but also to the loving and attentive care he receives from the Pope family. As they celebrate this monumental achievement, there remains anticipation around just how much more this large horned animal can grow, setting perhaps even more records in the future.

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