Norman the Scooter Dog: One Pup’s Surprising Ride to Fame

Norman the Briard, also known as “Norman the Scooter Dog,” is a remarkable canine celebrated for his extraordinary talents and heartwarming story. Owned by Karen Cobb, an experienced dog trainer, Norman has earned a place in the spotlight through his impressive trick performances and record-breaking feats.

Early Life and Training

Norman the Scooter Dog

Karen Cobb chose the Briard breed for their affectionate and loyal nature. Norman’s training began almost immediately after joining Karen’s family in 2009. He quickly demonstrated a knack for learning tricks, showing an affinity for activities typically enjoyed by children, such as riding a scooter and later a bicycle.


Norman set the Guinness World Record for the fastest 30 meters on a scooter by a dog, completing it in just 20.77 seconds. He also holds the record for the fastest 30 meters on a bicycle by a dog, achieved in 55.4 seconds. These feats not only highlighted Norman’s unique abilities but also showcased the strong bond between him and Karen, forged through positive reinforcement training.

Media Appearances

Norman’s talents led to widespread recognition. He performed on various news and talk shows, including “The Late Show with David Letterman,” and even starred in reality TV shows and documentaries.

Health Challenges

Norman the Briard

In June 2017, Norman was diagnosed with Stage IV lymphoma, a terminal illness. His family opted for a bone marrow transplant to treat the cancer, raising funds through a GoFundMe campaign to cover the substantial medical costs. Despite the illness, Norman’s spirit remained unbroken, and he continued to engage in his beloved activities. On the related note, got the scoop of Endo the blind horse?


Briard breed

Norman’s story is one of inspiration, showcasing how the bond between a dog and its owner can lead to incredible achievements. His journey emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement in training and the profound impact of a loving home on a pet’s life.

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