Smallest Dog in the World: Can You Believe This Dog Fits in Your Hand?

Smallest Dog in the World

Pearl is no ordinary handbag dog. So tiny that her owner can slip her into a pocket, the two-year-old Chihuahua has been named the smallest dog in the world by Guinness World Records.

Born in Florida on September 1, 2020, Pearl stands at just 3.59 inches tall, shorter than a Popsicle stick. She measures 5 inches in length, about the same as a dollar bill, and weighs a mere 1.22 pounds—a significant increase from her birth weight of less than one ounce.

Pearl is related to the previous record holder, Miracle Milly, who measured 3.8 inches tall and passed away in 2020 before Pearl was born. Pearl’s mother is one of Milly’s identical sisters, according to Guinness World Records.

“We’re blessed to have her and to have this unique opportunity to break our own record and share this amazing news with the world,” said Vanesa Semler, Pearl’s owner and also the owner of Miracle Milly.

Pearl dog was recently showcased on “Lo Show Dei Record,” Guinness World Records’ TV talent show in Italy. In the Milan studio, Semler described Pearl as “a bit of a diva,” though she appeared calm and unfazed by the live audience. Semler, who owns three other dogs of “normal” size, describes Pearl as “small like a ball” and slightly taller than a teacup. Pearl, the shortest dog in the world, enjoys a high-quality diet of chicken and salmon and loves “dressing up nice.” Semler added, “We have lots of fun together. Despite being an adult, she is still a child at heart.”

Pearl’s record was confirmed after measurements were taken at Crystal Creek Animal Hospital in Orlando, Florida, where she was born. According to Guinness World Records‘ official guidelines, measurements were taken from the base of the front leg to the top of the ridge between her shoulder blades in a straight vertical line. On the related note, got the scoop of the tallest dog in the world?

The shortest dog in the world ever recorded was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier, which stood at just 2.8 inches tall and measured 3.75 inches long from nose to tail. Owned by UK-based Arthur Marples, the tiny terrier passed away in 1945 before its second birthday.

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