What is the Smallest Horse in the World? You Won’t Believe It!

Shortest Horse in the world

Bombel, the smallest equine resident at KasKada stud farm in Łódź, stands out among his much larger stablemates. Despite his small stature, owners Patryk and Katarzyna Zielińska emphasize that their diminutive stallion possesses “a huge personality and a huge heart.” According to the American Miniature Horse Association, a miniature horse must measure below 9.5 hands (38 inches; 96.5 cm) at the withers. Bombel, the smallest horse in the world, comfortably meets this criterion.

The Zielińskas first encountered Bombel in 2014, when he was just two months old. Even then, his tiny size was noticeable, despite his parents being of average size for miniature horses.

As professional horse breeders, the Zielińskas quickly realized Bombel was special. Katarzyna recalls:

“We thought something was going on with him. When he started growing up, we saw he wasn’t growing as he was supposed to. That was when we decided we should approach Guinness World Records.”

Smallest Horse in the World

Although Bombel’s status as the shortest horse in the world confirms his uniqueness, he hasn’t let the acclaim affect him. He still participates in voluntary work, maintaining his humble and endearing demeanor.

The shortest female horse on record was Thumbelina, a miniature brown mare measuring 17.5 inches (44.5 cm). Thumbelina lived in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and passed away in 2018 at the age of 17.

Bombel and Thumbelina’s extreme sizes are influenced by dwarfism. However, several naturally small or miniature horse breeds exist. These include the Falabella, a breed originating from Argentina, typically standing less than 8 hands high (81 cm or 32 inches). Falabellas have only 16 or 17 vertebrae, compared to a horse’s normal 18, and possess one less pair of ribs. Despite their tiny stature, they have hearts the same size as larger horses and a lifespan of 40-45 years.

Falabellas, known for their thick, silky manes and tails, come in a variety of colors. They are popular as therapy or companion animals due to their small size and gentle nature. On the related note, got the scoop of the smallest cat in the world?

Bombel’s story as the smallest horse in the world highlights the extraordinary diversity within the equine world, celebrating the charm and uniqueness of miniature horses.

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