How Tall Can a Cat Get? Exploring the Tallest Domestic Cat Breed

tallest domestic cat breed

The Guinness World Records has formally recognized Fenrir Antares Powers, a Savannah breed cat, as the tallest domestic cat breed globally. Residing with Dr. William John Powers in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, Fenrir stands out with his impressive stature, often prompting comparisons to small panthers, pumas, or even ocelots. As of January 29, 2021, Fenrir measures a remarkable 47.83 cm (18.83 inches) in height.

Fenrir belongs to the Savannah breed, a cross between a domestic cat and a serval, a medium-sized African feline known for its distinctive large ears. This lineage, recognized by The International Cat Association, traces back to Fenrir’s grandfather, a tall wild serval named Kongo.

According to the official Guinness World Records website, Fenrir’s exceptional height exceeds the average for Savannah cats, typically ranging from 14 to 17 inches. Dr. Powers remarked:

“Despite his lineage from a wild feline, Fenrir’s towering stature sets him apart.”

Interestingly, Fenrir, the tallest cat in the world, is not the only notable cat in the Powers family. His sibling, Arcturus, previously held the same title in 2016, boasting an impressive height of 19.05 inches. Sadly, Arcturus is no longer with us, having perished in a house fire, as confirmed by Dr. Powers. On the related note, got the scoop of the big cat having the title of longest jumping animal?

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