Why Do Puffins Have Big Beaks? Top 10 Facts about Puffins

facts about Puffins

Appealingly awkward on land but undeniably adorable, puffins are more than just cute faces. These colorful characters of the sea are packed with surprises. Did you know they can hold multiple fish in their beaks at once or that they prefer to live in cozy burrows? Keep reading to uncover top 10 facts about puffins that will transform your perception of these delightful birds.

1. The Parrots of the Sea

Puffins fun facts

Puffins are often referred to as ‘sea parrots’ due to their brightly colored bills. They are predominantly found on rocky coasts and offshore islands.

2. Predominantly European

Approximately 90% of the Atlantic puffin population is located in Europe, with 80% in Iceland and Norway. The remaining 10% breed around Britain and Ireland, where over 1 million puffins can be found.

3. Breeding Season Attire

Puffins cheeks

During the breeding season, puffins don black upper parts, white bellies, and cheeks. Their bills become brightly colored, and they develop orange legs along with distinctive red and black eye markings.

4. Lightweight Birds

Puffins typically weigh between 320 and 480 grams and measure 26-29 cm in length, with a wingspan ranging from 47 to 63 cm.

5. Impressive Divers

puffins facts for kids

Puffins are adept divers, usually diving within 30 meters of the water’s surface to catch their prey, but they are capable of diving as deep as 60 meters.

6. Diet

In the UK, puffins primarily feed on the lesser sandeel, followed by sprat and herring – one of the puffins facts for kids learning about puffins.

7. Specialized Bills

Puffins have serrated bills that enable them to hold multiple fish at once. Remarkably, one puffin was recorded holding 83 small sandeels in its bill simultaneously.

8. Lifespan Comparable to Penguins

Puffins often live up to 20 years, similar to the lifespan of penguins – this is undoubtedly one of the interesting facts about puffins.

9. Vulnerable to Severe Weather

Extreme weather and storms can cause significant puffin mortality. Chicks are particularly vulnerable to cold, wet conditions, which can flood and destroy nests, making foraging difficult – one of the top 10 facts about Puffins.

10. Conservation Concerns

The UK’s puffin population is projected to decline by up to 90% in the next 30 years. Threats include invasive species, pollution, food shortages due to over-fishing, and accidental capture in fishing nets. Puffins are listed on the Red List of UK Birds of Conservation Concern.

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